
Youth Employment PartnerSHIP Online Meeting

The 20th of November took place the EEA Grants Youth Employment PartnerSHIP meeting where 18 international researchers presented and discussed the main results of the policy lessons of their WP3 report. These researches proceed from the different international research centers that are part from the project: Institute for Structural Research (IBS), Collegio Carlo Alberto, Istituto Nazionale per l’Analisi delle Politiche Pubbliche (INAPP), UPV/EHU and FEDEA. The aim of the meeting was to present and discuss the results obtained from the evaluation of the Job Trials in the four countries.

The meeting had 4 activities: Welcome and Project overview, presentation and discussion, Policy Brief and Admin discussion. Along the first phase of the meeting a general view of the project state was given. Secondly, each partner explained briefly the methodology and the main results of their WP3 report. In addition, some policy lessons learnt from the evaluation were presented. After the presentation, each partner received feedback and comments regarding the evaluation strategy and the policy lessons from their assigned revisors. At this point, all the partners discussed about the policy lessons learnt from each country and defined the contents from the policy brief. The final activity consisted on the discussion on the administrative issues and further steps of the project.