Mercado de Trabajo y Migraciones

Youth Employment PartnerSHIP / Diálogos Fedea: A (first) assessment of the labor reform

On December 28th took place the online dissemination workshop «A (first) assessment of the labor reform«, organized by FEDEA in the framework of the Youth Employment PartnerSHIP project, an initiative oriented to the evaluation of public policies on youth employment in Spain, Hungary, Italy and Poland, financed by Iceland, Liechenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment, Liechenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment, with the participation of prestigious international institutions such as the IBS of Warsaw, the Budapest Institute for Policy Analysis, the Collegio Carlo Alberto and INAPP of Italy, the University of the Basque Country, the NHH Norwegian School of Economics, the Paris School of Economics and the World Bank.

Although the event was open, it was mainly aimed at policy makers. In total, the video reached more than 900 people. Specifically, it addressed the impact of the new labor reform promoted by the Spanish government, which will come into force this year. To this end, the main dimensions of the reform were broken down and analyzed, specially focused in those ones which have been analyzed along the project.

This reform especially affects the internship contract which has been evaluated throughout the project and, taking into account the recommendations obtained from our study, the reform to be made by the Government proposes a reformulation of this type of contracts. In addition, the reform especially affects young people, given that one of its main points is focused on reducing the high labor duality in Spain and young people are precisely the group that suffers the highest rates of temporary employment. Finally, it deals with non-voluntary part-time, which mainly affects women and, therefore, tries to reduce the gender gap in the Spanish labor market. 

The seminar, therefore, was an opportunity to make visible the results obtained throughout the EEA Grants project and contrast them with a labor reform, i.e., a clear example of public policy in the field of labor market. It concluded whith a debate with the participantss, who, among other questions, showed their interest on the impact of the reform among the youth employment. 

The session was given by two Fedea experts who usually advises policy makers in the decision process, Dr. Marcel Jansen and Dr. Ignacio Conde-Ruiz. In addition, Dr. Jesús Lahera, Full Professor at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid and currently advisor at the Ministry of Economy, participated as a guest expert.