Mercado de Trabajo y Migraciones

Youth Employment PartnerSHIP: Bilbao Meeting

On October 7 and 8, a seminar was held in Bilbao with the participation of international experts in the field of youth unemployment research. The conference, organized by FEDEA, was part of the Youth Employment PartnerSHIP project, a project aimed at evaluating public initiatives on youth employment in Spain, Hungary, Italy and Poland and financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment. Prestigious European research centers such as IBS Warsaw, Budapest Institute for Policy Analysis, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Fedea, INAPP, the University of the Basque Country, NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Paris School of Economics and the World Bank are participating in the project. 

After the forced break caused by Covid-19, the project team resumed face-to-face collaboration in order to, among other objectives, further strengthen the international network of researchers and academic cooperation in the field of research on youth unemployment in Europe, one of the main goals of the project.

The participants were able to present and discuss the results obtained in this phase of the project, as well as to lay steps to follow for the next stages of the project, which, after almost 4 years of intense work, will end in June 2022. 

Specifically, the results related to the analysis of the effectiveness and scope of the actions carried out by the public employment agencies were presented. To carry out this analysis, the team of researchers has conducted a randomized experiment (RCT) in different territories of Spain, Hungary and Poland. Thus, Dr. Ainhoa Vega Bayo, from the UPV/ EHU, presented the results obtained in the Basque Country, Dr. Márton Csillag and Dr. Judith Kreko, from the BI, presented the results in the case of Hungary, while Mateusz Smoter, from the IBS, presented those of three regions in southern Poland.

The results of this experiment, as well as the rest of the evidence obtained throughout the project have been included in different documents, open and accessible to the whole society, and have been disseminated through seminars, training sessions or meetings with political actors, in order to facilitate their transfer and contribute to enrich the political decision-making process based on empirical evidence. 

Click here to consult the documents: