The 24th of march, Fedea, as a member of the project EEA Grants Youth Employment Partnerhip, hosted a webinar focused on the presentation and discussion of the results obtained along the research carried out with other Europeans institutions as the IBS of Warsaw, Collegio Carlo Alberto from Turin, the Inap from Roma, the Budapest Institute for Policy Analysis and the University of the Basque Country.
The event was attended by 15 researchers, all of them members of Redev (Spanish Evaluation Network for Good Practices) and experts in public policies evaluation, associated to different institutions as Ivie, Ksnet, Afi, University of the Basque Country, Iseak Foundation, The World Bank or the European University Institute of Florence.
Along the event, leaded by Lucía Gorjón (Fedea) and Ainhoa Vega (University of the Basque Country) the main outcomes of the research were exposed to the attendees. Among other questions, very enrichising conclusions were shared. Thus, the researchers stated that according to evidence, policies have tended to be ineffective in promoting job stability for young people, even being counterproductive in the current format. In order to correct the instability and its long term impact, it would be necessary to increase the priority given to young people during the labour market policy development. It was remarked that these policies should be developed from consistent empirical analysis.
The presented results were received with interest by the participants and it sparked an intense debate about them, since the importance of young unemployment in the Spanish and European context. As previously said, the attendees are expert in public policy evaluations and usual partners of public institutions in the policy making and evaluation process, therefore, this meeting was a great opportunity to contribute to try to improve the problem of the youth unemployment, a crucial issue in Spain and Europe and one of the main concerns of the EEA Grants projects.